IV BMBC Symposium


“The neuroscience behind music based interventions in educational and therapeutic settings” (Chair: Patricia Vanzella)

Dr Nadine Gaab – Harvard Medical School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA
Linking music, language and dyslexia: theoretical and experimental contributions.
As part of Boston Children’s Hospital’s Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience, Dr Nadine Gaab’s research focuses on children diagnosed with or at risk for various developmental disorders, particularly language-based learning disabilities. In this talk she reviewed and discussed theoretical contributions that attempt to link music and language/reading disabilities and presented behavioral and neuroscientific evidence from her laboratory.

Dr Mari Tervaniemi – University of Helsinki, Finland
Music in development and rehabilitation: neuroscientific evidence.
During past decades, our knowledge about the brain functions and structures underlying music perception, performance, and emotions has accumulated relatively fast. However, much less is known about the brain determinants underlying music learning and music rehabilitation. In her talk, Dr. Tervaniemi introduced data revealing the impact of music learning on brain functions in toddlers and school-aged children. Furthermore, she showed results about music rehabilitation obtained from dementia patients and from other neurological patients. These data indicate that music-related activities, even in terms of singing and listening to familiar songs, can effectively boost the emotional and cognitive well-being of the patients as well as their caregivers.  

Dr Ronald Ranvaud – University fo São Paulo
The effects of music training on timed movements.
When people dance, clap to music, sing, or play a musical instrument, they engage in temporal entrainment. Movement-based expertise relies on precise timing of movements and the capacity to predict the timing of events. In this talk, Dr. Ranvaud presented results of studies in which he have examined the effects of music training on the precision of temporal entrainment and discussed possible applications of his findings.

27 de setembro de 2017 – das 9:30 às 11:30h
Auditório 001 / Bloco Beta
UFABC Campus São Bernardo

IV Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition website