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Vanzella, P. (2023). Correlatos neurais de processos cognitivos envolvidos na performance instrumental. Em Viviane Louro & Maria José Fernandes (Eds). Neurociência e Música: Pesquisa, Saúde e Educação. São Paulo, Editora UNIFESP, pp. 117-134, ISBN 9786556321561

Leite, R.B.C., Vanzella, P. (2023). Substratos neurais do ouvido absoluto. Em Viviane Louro & Maria José Fernandes (Eds). Neurociência e Música: Pesquisa, Saúde e Educação. São Paulo, Editora UNIFESP, pp. 47-63,  ISBN 9786556321561

Correia, A. I., Vinzenci, M., Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. P., Schellenberg, G., & Lima, C. (2022). EXPRESS: Individual Differences in Musical Ability Among Adults with No Music Training. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218221128557. DOWNLOAD

Vanzella, P., Braun Janzen, T., Oliveira, G.A.D., Sato, J.R., Fraga, J.F. (2022). Perception and identification of tones in different timbres: using pupil diameter to investigate absolute pitch ability. Psychology of Music. DOWNLOAD

Vincenzi, M., Correia, A. I., Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. P., Lima, C., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2022). Associations Between Music Training and Cognitive Abilities: The Special Case of Professional Musicians. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. DOWNLOAD

Braun Janzen, T., Oliveira, B., Ventorim, G., Sato, J.R., Feitosa-Santana, C., Vanzella, P. (2022). The Effect of Background Music on the Aesthetic Experience of a Visual Artwork in a Naturalistic Environment. Psychology of Music. DOWNLOAD

Correia, A. I., Vincenzi, M., Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. P., Lima, C., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2021). Can Musical Ability Be Tested Online? Behavior Research Methods. DOWNLOAD

Neto, P., & Vanzella, P. (2021). Cents versus scale steps: Can we tell the difference between major and minor thirds?. Psychology of Music. DOWNLOAD

Neto, P. A., Cui, A. X., Rojas, P., Vanzella, P., & Cuddy, L. L. (2021). Not just cents: Physical and psychological influences on interval perception. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. DOWNLOAD

Ribeiro, F. S., Braun Janzen, T., Passarini, L., & Vanzella, P. (2021). Exploring Changes in Musical Behaviors of Caregivers and Children in Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Frontiers in Psychology12. DOWNLOAD

Vanzella, P. & Braun Janzen, T. (2021). Memória musical: Do que mesmo estamos falando? In Germano & Rinaldi (Eds). Música, Mente e Cognição, pp. 111-143, Associação Brasileira de Cognição e Artes Musicais: Curitiba-PR. DOWNLOAD

Barreto, C. D. S. F., Morais, G. A. Z., Vanzella, P., & Sato, J. R. (2020). Combining the intersubject correlation analysis and the multivariate distance matrix regression to evaluate associations between fNIRS signals and behavioral data from ecological experiments. Experimental Brain Research238(10), 2399-2408. DOWNLOAD

Nunes-Silva, M.,Tavares, M.C.H., Vanzella, P. (2020). Os efeitos cognitivos do treinamento musical. In Mansur-Alves & Lopes-Silva (Eds). Intervenção cognitiva: Dos conceitos e métodos às práticas baseadas em evidências para diferentes aplicações, pp. 199-237, T.ser: Belo Horizonte-MG. DOWNLOAD

Heinze, R. A., Vanzella, P., Morais, G. A. Z., & Sato, J. R. (2019). Hand motor learning in a musical context and prefrontal cortex hemodynamic response: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Cognitive processing20(4), 507-513. DOWNLOAD

Vanzella, P., Balardin, J. B., Furucho, R. A., Zimeo Morais, G. A., Braun Janzen, T., Sammler, D., & Sato, J. R. (2019). fNIRS responses in professional violinists while playing duets: evidence for distinct leader and follower roles at the brain level. Frontiers in psychology10, 164. DOWNLOAD

Andrade, P. E., Vanzella, P., Andrade, O. V., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2017). Associating emotions with Wagner’s music: A developmental perspective. Psychology of music45(5), 752-760. DOWNLOAD

Balardin, J. B., Zimeo Morais, G. A., Furucho, R. A., Trambaiolli, L., Vanzella, P., Biazoli Jr, C., & Sato, J. R. (2017). Imaging brain function with functional near-infrared spectroscopy in unconstrained environments. Frontiers in human neuroscience11, 258. DOWNLOAD

Weiss, M. W., Vanzella, P., Schellenberg, E. G., & Trehub, S. E. (2015). Rapid Communication: Pianists exhibit enhanced memory for vocal melodies but not piano melodies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(5), 866-877. DOWNLOAD

Vanzella, P., & Ranvaud, R. (2014). Por dentro do ouvido absoluto: Investigações por neuroimagem. Percepta-Revista de Cognição Musical1(2), 51-51. DOWNLOAD

Vanzella, P., & Schellenberg, E.G. (2010). Absolute pitch: Effects of timbre on note-naming ability. PLoS ONE, 5, e15449.  doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0015449 DOWNLOAD