



New paper out

Our paper on the effects of bilateral inactivations of AIC and prelimbic cortex (PL) in rats during a temporal decision-making task is out! You can see it here!


Time for paper

Our new paper on how time is encoded across different tasks is out. You can see it here!



Dr Maia!!!

Congratulations to Dr Vanessa de Souza Zanirato Maia for successfully defending her PhD thesis! Vanessa investigated the interactions between timing, emotion, and pain. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.



Off to Lisboa

Profs André Cravo and Marcelo Reyes, along with our postdoc Alexandre Nobre and some graduate students from the lab (Esaú, Felipe, and Thiago), are off to Lisboa, Portugal, to present their recent results at the 3rd Conference of the Timing Research Forum.



Off to SBNeC/FeSBE

A bunch of us are heading to XLVI SBNeC to present our most recent studies. You can see them here:

A comparison of temporal binding across different tasks (Gustavo B. de Azevedo, Marc J. Buehner, Andre M. Cravo)



Preprint on intervals encoded through neural electrophysiological signals

Do neural electrophysiological signals differ when encoding durations for discrimination and reproduction? Our preprint on this question is out! You can read it here and see a thread explaining the main findings here.



Master Gustavo!!!

Congratulations to Gustavo, who was just awarded his Master’s degree in Neuroscience! Gustavo investigated the Temporal Binding effect using different tasks. His results will soon be published!

Welcome Thiago!

The Timing and Cognition lab welcomes Thiago Bonifácio, who will pursue his Master’s in our lab. He was awarded a FAPESP scholarship and will work with the validation of psychological time perception scales.



Dr Bueno!!!

Congratulations to Dr Fernanda Dantas Bueno for successfully defending her PhD thesis! Way to go, Fêr! We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

Timely visit!

It was a pleasure to host Prof Marc Buehner. He discussed with us some interesting results about Causality and Temporal Order.

Research funding

Our undergraduate student Veronica Casagrande got a FAPESP scholarship to work on her project under the supervision of Prof André Cravo. She will investigate the ability to store two distinct serial biases in an interception task that is sucsetiptible to the Serial Dependency effect.



Super visit!

Prof Armando Machado will join the lab as a visiting professor for the following year. We are looking forward to all the timely discussions!



New paper out

Our paper on how timing is encoded in different brain areas during learning is out! You can see it here!



Welcome Alexandre!

The Timing and Cognition lab welcomes Alexandre Nobre, for a Postdoc position in our lab. He was awarded a FAPESP scholarship and will study the influence of voluntary actions in temporal preparation and Serial Dependency.



Timely PhDs

Congratulations to Mateus Silvestrin, Estela Nepomoceno, and Pedro Teodoro for successfully defending their PhDs.



Paper on time during the pandemic out

Our paper on how time was modulated during the pandemic has been published in Science Advances. You can read it here. You can also read this thread on Twitter explaining the main findings. News articles (in Portuguese) about the findings can also be read herehere, here, and here.

Time and Carnaval

Prof André Cravo participated in a story at Jornal Nacional discussing how time can be distorted. You can watch it here



Talk and preprint

Prof André Cravo gave a virtual talk at the Timing Research Forum. You can watch it here. The preprint discussed in the talk (with Mateus Silvestrin and Peter Claessens) can be found here.



The weird time during the pandemic

A magazine article discussing time and the pandemics, and mentioning our research, has just been published in Piauí. You can read the article here (in Portuguese only).



New publication

Our new paper, in which we investigate how different patterns of EEG activity correlate when participants perform a temporal task is out. You can find the paper here.



New publication

A new study with collaboration from our lab has just been published. We investigated for how long the effect of the preceding trial influenced participants’ responses in the current trial. You can read it here.



New publication

A new publication from our lab, in collaboration with Floris de Lange and Eelke Spaak has just been published. In this study, we investigated whether temporal expectations interact with feature-based expectations. You can find the paper here.



Preprint on time during the pandemic

Our preprint on how people experienced time during COVID’s social restrictions is out! You can read it here and see a thread explaining the main findings here.



Podcast on time

Prof André Cravo participated in the Podcast Rádio Escanfando about time. You can listen to it here (in Portuguese).



Welcome (back) to the lab

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes back Nicolas Cesar. After spending some years working as a research assistant in the lab, Nicolas is now back to pursue a Master’s degree on a collaborative project involving Profs Marcelo Caetano, André Cravo, and David Freestone (WPU).

Strengthening the binding

Gustavo is off to Cardiff University for a 5-month research internship, through a FAPESP grant. He will expand on his Master’s study data collection on the effect of Temporal Binding under the supervision of Prof Marc Buehner.



New research grant

A new two-year multi-institutional grant from FAPESP was awarded to Prof Marcelo Caetano. In collaboration with colleagues from UFABC, UFSCar, and UFPA, we will address pressing issues related to inclusive teaching in Brazil. The overall goal is to contribute to the development and evaluation of computerized teaching protocols, to provide empirical data to support their widespread use, and to describe the neurophysiological and neuropsychological correlates of the development of reading and writing competence in children with learning deficits.

Why in 2020 time flew by for some people, while it seemed to drag for others?

Prof Marcelo Caetano and our PhD student Mateus Silvestrin talked about our perception of time during social isolation in an interview for Gizmodo Brasil. Check it out here (in Portuguese).



New book chapter

In a new book chapter, we summarize many studies led by Prof Mark Laubach, in collaboration with other friends and us, on the rodent medial frontal cortex. Although initially interested in studying working memory, we ended up accumulating evidence for the critical involvement of this much-studied region in reward processing.



New publications

In a new commentary in collaboration with friends from Portugal and the US, we discuss a controversial issue among behavior analysts: Are scientists wasting valuable time (and resources) by considering cognitive models of behaviour in general, and clock models in specific, in their scientific endeavors? We argue that the answer is no and offer four rules of conduct for dealing with mediational theories.

Another study from our lab suggests that movement can modulate how we perceive time depending on whether the moving object represents plausible human movement or not. Moreover, we describe differences in the processing of biological and non-biological motion stimuli using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), a less costly and portable form of neurophysiological data acquisition.



Dr Tunes

Congratulations to Dr Gabriela Chiuffa Tunes for successfully defending her PhD thesis! Gabi got her multiple Bachelor’s degrees from UFABC (Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, and Science and Technology!) while in graduate school. For her work, she used electrophysiological, neuropharmacological, and computational (machine learning) methods and an optogenetics experiment. Way to go, Gabi! We wish you the very best in your future endeavors!



Online Presentations

Estela Nepomoceno and Katia Melo have presented their recent results in the form of virtual posters at the online conference Animal Behaviour Live.

Our lab in the media

We recently took part in several interviews and programs about how our feeling of time is changing during social distancing (all in Portuguese). Here are some of the links:









Cardiff and UFABC binding

The Timing and Cognition lab welcomes Gustavo de Azevedo, who will pursue his Master’s in our lab. He was awarded a FAPESP scholarship and will study an effect named Temporal Binding, in which the interval between our actions and their outcomes is compressed. This project is part of a collaboration with Prof Marc Buehner from Cardiff University.



New preprint

We have uploaded a new preprint in which we investigate how alpha oscillations modulate spatial attention. You can read it here.



Temporal perception during social distancing

We have started our online study investigating temporal perception during social distancing. Participants will be invited to respond weekly on how they are feeling the passage of time.



Podcast about time

Prof Andre Cravo participated in a podcast about time. You can listen to it here.



Stay safe everyone

Everyone is working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. We are slowly moving our experiments to collect data online and we are submitting a new project to investigate temporal perception during social distancing.



Timely goodbyes

Congratulations to Gabriela Melo and Louise Barne! Gabriela finished her Masters’s and will work with Gustavo Rohenkol at the Active Vision Lab during her PhD. Louise worked in the lab for the last eight years and is now heading off to work with Andreas Desantis as a postdoc. Best of luck to both!

Short and long visits to the UK

André Cravo went to Cardiff and to Oxford to work on ongoing collaborations with Profs Marc Buehner and Kia Nobre. In the meantime, PhD candidate Mateus Silvestrin also went to Oxford to start his six-month internship working under the supervision of Prof Mark Stokes.



New papers out

Great to start the year with two new papers:

Nepomoceno, E. B., Cravo, A. M., Reyes, M. B., & Caetano, M. S. (2020). Temporal regularity and stimulus control in multiple fixed interval schedules. Behavioural Processes, 171, 104019

Reyes, M.B., de Miranda. D.H. Tunes, G.C. & Caetano, M.S. (2020) Rats can learn a temporal task in a single session. Behavioural Processes, 170



Timely visit

It was a pleasure to host Prof Marc Witmman. He gave an excellent talk on temporal perception. This was a great opportunity for us to talk more about time.




We are off to the Brazilian Meeting on Neuroscience (SBNeC) and to TRF2! Looking forward to catching up with the timing community.



New logo

Just in time for TRF2, we have a new logo!



Back from Donders

Our PhD candidate Louise is back after spending a year working with Floris de Lange at the Donders Institute. She has collected a MEG experiment on rhythmic expectations.



Qualifying Exams for everyone

Congratulations to Estela, Gabriela, Pedro, and Mateus on passing their Qualifying exams.




We have uploaded three new preprints on Biorxiv. You can find them on our Publications page.



Master Esau!!!

Congratulations to Esaú, who was just awarded his Master’s degree in Neuroscience! Esau collected a LOT of EEG data with and without tACS on discrete perception! His results will soon be published!



Master Vanessa!!!
Congratulations to Vanessa Morita, who was just awarded her Master’s degree in Neuroscience! Her interesting results on time and decision will soon be published!



Dr Renan Recio!!!

Congratulations to Dr Renan Recio! Renan completed his doctoral work under the supervision of Prof Raphael Camargo and André Cravo. During his PhD, he also spent some time working under the supervision of Virginie van Wassenhove at NeuroSpin.



Newton Advanced Fellowship

Prof Andre Cravo and Prof Kia Nobre were awarded a Newton Advanced Fellowship to study temporal processing.



Welcome to the lab

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes several new undergraduate students to our lab, as well as Vanessa Maia, who will pursue her PhD studying the interactions between timing, emotion, and pain.



Off to the Donders Institute

Louise Barne is off to the Donders Institute to work with Prof Floris de Lange for one year!

New paper out

A new study from our lab shows that intervals in vision and audition share a common neural representation. You can also find a preprint here.

Off to Iowa

Our student Gabriela Chiuffa is on her way to the University of Iowa to join the Narayanan Lab for six months.



Exams and Masters

Congratulations to our students Louise Barne for passing her PhD Qualifying Exam and to Eliezyer Oliveira for finishing his Masters!



Research fellowship

Estela Nepomoceno was awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for her PhD project! She plans on describing the role of mPFC and the insular cortex in decision-making under risk.



New paper out

A new study from our lab shows that the log-normal and the inverse Gaussian, when adapted to model subjective time intervals, are experimentally indistinguishable.



Off to Birmingham

Our student Esaú is on his way to Birmingham to spend 6 months working with Prof Simon Hanslmayr. He will join the Memory and Learning group to study how oscillations can change our perception of time.



Research fellowship

Fernanda Bueno and Gabriela Melo were both awarded research fellowships from FAPESP for their graduate projects!




We now have Twitter! You can follow us here.

Welcome to our new graduate students

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes our two new students, Fernanda Bueno and Gabriela Melo. Fernanda has worked with us as an undergraduate student and now joins us for her PhD. Gabriela did her undergraduate at UFRGS and will now join us for her Masters’s.



New paper out

Our new paper in The Journal of Neuroscience describes theta oscillations in rodent PFC synchronized to rewarded actions. You can see it here.

All Aboard

Profs André Cravo, Marcelo Caetano and Marcelo Reyes, along with several graduate students from the Timing and Cognition Lab, are off to Strasbourg, France, to present their recent results at the 1st Annual Conference of the Timing Research Forum.




Profs Virginie van Wassenhove and Rodrigo Laje are visiting our lab this week. They are at UFABC participating in the IV Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition.



New paper out

Our new study in which we investigate how long-term memory can modulate temporal attention is now available online. You can see it here.



Featured publication

Camila Agostino’s recent publication received a featured commentary on the Psychonomic Society’s webpage! You can check it out here.

Research fellowship

Louise Barne was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for her PhD project. She is working with Prof Andre Cravo on a project that investigates how we use temporal information to allocate our attention.

Off to New York

Our Masters’ student Eliezyer de Oliveira is on his way to New York to work as a visiting student at the Buzsaki lab.



Timely Award

Congratulations to Vanessa Morita who was awarded a Student travel grant to attend the  1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum!

He’s back!

Prof Andre Cravo has just returned from his Postdoc at OHBA!

Au revoir Renan

Our PhD student Renan Recio is off to Brain Dynamics & NeuroSpin MEG as a visiting student to work with Prof Virginie van Wassenhove.

Welcome to our new Postdoctoral Fellow

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes Dr Marcelo Silveira to UFABC. Dr Silveira is the recipient of a FAPESP Postdoctoral Fellowship and will use EEG recordings to investigate how evoked potentials are related to the emergence of equivalence classes. His work will contribute to the understanding of the neural basis of language in humans.



Research fellowship

Vanessa Morita was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for her Master’s project. She is working with Prof Andre Cravo on a project that investigates the neural correlates of Time Perception.



New paper out

Our new study in which we use MVPA to decode temporal intervals from EEG signals has just been published! You can see it here.



Two new PhD research fellowships

Our PhD students Mateus Silvestrin and Pedro Teodoro have been both awarded research fellowships from FAPESP.

Machine Learning in Buenos Aires

Our PhD student Mateus was selected to take part in the Hands-on Course on Machine Learning Applied to Neuroimaging in Buenos Aires.



Research fellowship

Esaú Sirius was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for his Master’s project. He is working with Prof André Cravo on a project that investigates the neural correlates of discrete perception.



New paper from our group

A new study from our group has just been published in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. The paper describes how individuals variably represent long-range intervals. You can check it out here.



New paper from our group

A new study from our group has just been published in NeuroImage. This paper investigates the role of low-frequency oscillations in temporal prediction and error. You can check it out here. You can also find a preprint here.

Welcome to our new PhD students

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes our three new PhD students, Camila Agostino, Estela Nepomoceno and Pedro Teodoro.



Two in a row

Congratulations to Mateus Silvestrin and Estela Nepomoceno for successfully defending their Master’s dissertations! Keep up the good work during your PhD at UFABC.

UFABC and the University of Oxford synchronized

Prof Andre Cravo is off to OHBA for a period of 9 months to work with Prof Kia Nobre. In their research, they will investigate how temporal regularities can modulate sensory processing.



Welcome to our new graduate students

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes our two new Master’s students, Vanessa Morita and Esaú Sirius. Both of them have been working with our group during their undergraduate studies and have now joined our lab for their graduate program!



Does time fly by as we get older?

Prof André Cravo was invited to give a short interview for Nexo Jornal about how we perceive time as we get older. Check it out here (in Portuguese).



Tango and Consciousness

Prof Andre Cravo and his student Mateus Silvestrin are off to Buenos Aires for the 20th Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. You can find and download the poster they will present in our publications list.



Burgers and rats

Prof Marcelo Caetano is visiting Brown University to discuss ongoing collaborations on rat projects with Prof Russell Church.



Prof. Armando Machado visiting

Prof Armando Machado will visit our lab and discuss some of his latest results with us.

Interdisciplinary time in Japan

Prof André Cravo is off to Japan to participate in the second phase of the Intercontinental Academia on Time.



Master Louise!!!!

Congratulations to Louise Barne, who was just awarded her Masters’s in Neuroscience! She will now start her PhD in our lab.



Welcome to our new graduate students

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes our two new Master’s students, Carlos Ramos and Eliezyer de Oliveira, and our new PhD student Louise Barne.




Profs Fuat Balci, Armando Machado, Elisa Dias and Peter Lakatos are visiting our lab this week. They are at UFABC participating in the Third Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition.



School on Complex Networks and Applications to Neuroscience

Our master’s student Mateus is off to spend three weeks at the School on Complex Networks and Applications to Neuroscience.

Research fellowship

Gabriela Chiuffa Tunes was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for her Master’s project. She is working with Prof. Marcelo Reyes on a project that investigates changes in prefrontal cortex activity during temporal learning in rats.

Timing and Cognition Lab in the news

Sao Paulo’s Radio Bandeirantes aired an interview with Prof Marcelo Caetano on time perception. Check it out here (from 12′ to 20′, in Portuguese).



Research fellowship

Tatiane Labliuk was just awarded a new research fellowship from FAPESP. She is working with Prof Marcelo Caetano on an exciting new project that investigates the neural basis of interval timing using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).

Off to Liverpool

Prof André Cravo is off to Liverpool to present some recent results at the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP). You can download a copy of the poster here.

Timing and Cognition Lab in the news

Agência FAPESP has just published a short piece discussing some of our results and our ongoing collaboration with Prof Dean Buonomano. You can read it here (Portuguese) or here (English).



Research fellowship

Estela Nepomoceno was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for her Master’s project. She is working with Prof Marcelo Caetano on a project that investigates the conditions under which rats use environmental stimuli vs. temporal cues to predict the occurrence of reinforcing events.

All aboard

Profs André Cravo, Marcelo Caetano, Marcelo Reyes, and Raphael Camargo, along with several graduate and undergraduate students from the Timing and Cognition Lab, are off to Rio de Janeiro to present their recent results at the 9th World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO 2015).



Research fellowship

Our award-winning student Fernanda Bueno was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP, She is working with Prof André Cravo, combining a modified version of the shooting task with EEG recordings.

New paper from our group

A new study from our group has just been published. This paper deals with the longstanding question of whether our perception is discrete or continuous. You can check it out here.



New paper out

A new study that reviews the role of the medial prefrontal cortex in the adaptive control of actions involving stimulus detection, action timing, and outcome monitoring, has Prof Marcelo Caetano as one of the authors. Take a look at it here.

Interdisciplinary Studies on Time

Prof André Cravo was one of the young researchers from different countries and areas of knowledge selected to develop interdisciplinary studies on Time at the Intercontinental Academia, an initiative by UBIAS – University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study.



Research fellowship

Tábata da Silva was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP. She will work with Prof Marcelo Caetano on understanding the conditions under which people use different stimuli to predict when events will occur using a computerized shooting task.



Research fellowship

Mateus Silvestrin was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for his Master’s project. He will work with Prof André Cravo on how we learn to orient our spatial attention.

Award at the V Symposium of Undergraduate Research at UFABC

Congratulations to our honor student Felipe Cardoso for the best poster presentation award at the V Symposium of Undergraduate Research at UFABC.



All aboard

Our students Louise Barne and Nicolas Cesar are off to beautiful Buzios where they will present their results at the XXXVIII Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Neuroscience Society (SBNeC). Prof André Cravo is heading off to Oxford to work on some interesting EEG data with Prof Kia Nobre.



Welcome to our new graduate students

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes our two new Master’s students, Mateus Silvestrin and Estela Nepomoceno. Mateus will study how learning the location where events happen can shape our perception. Estela will investigate factors that influence temporal learning in humans and rodents.



Research fellowship

Louise Barne was just awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP for her Master’s project. She will work with Prof André Cravo on how we learn new temporal intervals between our actions and their causal effects.



Research fellowship

Tatiane Labliuk was awarded a research fellowship from FAPESP. She will work with Prof Marcelo Caetano on understanding the conditions under which people use different stimuli to predict when events will occur using a computerized shooting task.



Research funding

Prof André Cravo was awarded a research grant from FAPESP to investigate how we learn temporal regularities in our environment in order to optimize performance. Our undergraduate student Nicolas got a scholarship to work on this project.



Welcome to our new graduate student

The Timing and Cognition Lab welcomes our new Master’s student, Louise Barne. She has been working with us for a year as an honor student and has now been officially accepted into our graduate program. She will study how we learn new temporal intervals between our actions and their causal effects.



New papers out

Two new papers which have Prof André Cravo as one of the authors have just been published. In one of the papers, temporal shortening of an interval between action and outcome was studied.

In the other paper, the authors investigated how assistant referees compensate for a well-known temporal illusion when judging offsides.



Awards for undergraduate students from the Timing and Cognition Lab at the IV Symposium of Undergraduate Research at UFABC

Congratulations to our honors students Abdo Carin and Fernanda Bueno (mentored by Prof Marcelo Caetano) and Gustavo Rodrigues (mentored by Prof André Cravo), who were awarded for best poster presentations at the IV Symposium of Undergraduate Research at UFABC.



Research funding

Prof Marcelo Caetano was awarded a research grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, to investigate basic processes involved in learning multiple temporal discriminations by rats.

New paper out

Prof Marcelo Reyes has just published a paper in which he investigates temporal acquisition in rats. You can check it out here.

Review on Parkison’s disease and timing

A new review on timing deficits and Parkinson’s disease has just been published and has Prof Marcelo Caetano as one of the authors. You can take a look at it here.




Profs Dean Buonomano, Patrick Simen and Matthew Matell came to Brazil and visited our lab. They were at UFABC to give talks at the Second Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition.

Comments on temporal expectation

A new paper in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience reviews two studies that has Prof André Cravo as one of the authors. In the review, the authors commented on how the two studies provide evidence that temporal expectation affects early stages of visual processing.



New paper out

A new study that investigates the effects of attention on short-term memory that has Prof André Cravo as one of the authors has just come out. Take a look at it here.



Research funding

Prof André Cravo was awarded a research grant from the Federal University of ABC to investigate temporal learning in humans.



New paper

A new study with Prof André Cravo as the lead author tries to elucidate how temporal expectations can modulate perception. Take a look at it here.



New paper

A paper with Prof Marcelo Caetano as the lead author has just been published. In the study, the authors investigate the role of the noradrenergic system in error perseveration.