Seminário: Dirty cheap electrophysiology

Data:  17/03/16 (Quinta-Feira)

Hora:  12h15

Local: Bloco Beta, Auditório A005 (campus São Bernardo do Campo)

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Richadson Leão (UFRN, Ice)



Dirty cheap electrophysiology

In this lecture I will discuss new (and open) technologies in neurophysiology research for labs with little (or no) cash to spare. I will show advantages and disadvantages of open systems for electrophysiology compared to commercial black boxes. Also, I intend to demonstrate how general purpose micro-controllers, rotary joints and other cheap components can drastically cut the cost of research. The second part of my talk I will talk about cellular mechanisms of theta oscillations. We found a specific subpopulation of oriens-lacunosum moleculare (OLM) interneurons expressing Chrna2 receptor differentially distributed along the dorso-ventral hippocampal axis, OLMalpha2 cells. The activation of OLMalpha 2 cells is sufficient to induce theta activity in ketamine-anesthetized and in freely moving mice. While the induced theta rhythm did not affect frequency ranges related to animals’ movements (8-10 Hz), it significantly influenced lower frequency range, 6-8 Hz.  It has been shown that the low range theta activity corresponds to Type II theta and is associated with innate response to the predator smell. We conducted this test and observed that OLMalpha2 cells stimulation leads to a significant increase of risk-taking behavior. This suggests that OLMalpha 2 induced theta rhythm in vHipp corresponds to Type II theta activity.cture I will discuss new (and open) technologies in neurophysiology research for labs with little (or no) cash to spare. I will show advantages and disadvantages of open systems for electrophysiology compared to commercial black boxes. Also, I intend to demonstrate how general purpose micro-controllers, rotary joints and other cheap components can drastically cut the cost of research. The second part of my talk I will talk about cellular mechanisms of theta oscillations. We found a specific subpopulation of oriens-lacunosum moleculare (OLM) interneurons expressing Chrna2 receptor differentially distributed along the dorso-ventral hippocampal axis, OLMalpha2 cells. The activation of OLMalpha 2 cells is sufficient to induce theta activity in ketamine-anesthetized and in freely moving mice. While the induced theta rhythm did not affect frequency ranges related to animals’ movements (8-10 Hz), it significantly influenced lower frequency range, 6-8 Hz.  It has been shown that the low range theta activity corresponds to Type II theta and is associated with innate response to the predator smell. We conducted this test and observed that OLMalpha2 cells stimulation leads to a significant increase of risk-taking behavior. This suggests that OLMalpha 2 induced theta rhythm in vHipp corresponds to Type II theta activity.


Richadson Leão

Possui graduação em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (2000) e doutorado em Neurociências – Australian National University (2005). Fez pós-doutorado na Australian National University (2006-2007) e no Karolinska Institutet (2008-2010).

Atualmente é Professor Adjunto em Neurociências e Psicobiologia da UFRN. Coordena o laboratório Neurodinâmica do Instituto do Cérebro da UFRN que foi estabelecido recentemente e trabalha na decodificarão padrões de atividade dos neurônios e compartimentos neuronais.


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