Palestra: Effects of pitch expectancy violations on timing of motor actions: insights from behavioral research

“Palestra: Effects of pitch expectancy violations on timing of motor actions: insights from behavioral research

Music is an excellent model to study the link between actions, expectation and the operation of predictive forward models. For instance, moving in synchrony with an isochronous sequence of metronome beats requires anticipatory mechanisms. The ability to predict when an event will occur allows the motor system to prepare an appropriate response in advance, so that actions coincide with a target event (in this case, the beat of the music). A continuous process of refining actions based on feedback also allows the system to generate increasingly more accurate predictions of the behavioral effects of a movement, which is crucial in music performance. According to the internal models theory, forward models represent the causal relationship between the input and output of the action control system, where expectancies related to motor and perceptual outcomes are tethered to motor commands. In a series of behavioral experiments, we investigated whether pitch expectancy violations affect timing accuracy of motor actions that generate strong expectancies for the resultant pitch outcomes. The results of these studies will be discussed in light of the internal models theory..

Thenille Braun Janzen (University of Toronto/USP)
Pós-doutoranda na University of Toronto (Toronto/Canada). Possui doutorado em Neurociências pela Universidade de São Paulo e doutorado em Psicologia pela Macquarie University (Sydney/Australia; cotutela). Sua linha de pesquisa engloba pesquisa básica e aplicada na área de Cognição Musical e Neurociências da Música.

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Quando: 06/06/2018 (Quarta-feira)
Onde: Auditório 5, Bloco Beta, SBC
Horário: 12:50 às 14:00

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