“Newest developments in the assessment of facial emotion recognition – and why does it matter anyway”
Faces provide an important means of non-verbal communication through facial expressions. Most facial expressions carry emotional meaning and so assessing peoples’ ability to recognise emotions from others’ faces has become a major research field. Even though people are generally good at inferring emotional states from faces, there is great inter-individual variability. This variability is particularly pronounced for individuals with mental disorders compared to healthy individuals, which has made facial emotion recognition research central for clinical psychology. Since the beginnings of facial emotion recognition research, the applied methodology has changed not at least due to the technology available today. Besides aiming at providing a thorough understanding of the importance of facial emotion recognition research, this talk will give an overview of the development of the assessment methods from the beginnings until today, and will also provide future directions.
Tanja Wingenbach (Mackenzie/University Hospital Zurich)
Possui mestrado em Psicologia Clínica pela Universität Basel (2010) e doutorado em Psicologia pela University of Bath (2016). Atualmente é Pesquisadora Visitante Associada da University Hospital Zurich e Revisora de periódico da JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS. Tem experiência na área de Psicologia, com ênfase em Psicologia Experimental.
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Quando: 04/04/2018 (Quarta-feira)
Onde: Auditório 5, Bloco Beta, SBC
Horário: 12:50 às 14:00
<Palestra em inglês>
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