Data: 17/08/16 (Quarta-Feira)
Hora: 12h50
Local: Bloco Beta, Auditório A005 (campus São Bernardo do Campo)
Palestrante: Camila Silveira (UFABC)
Tema: The Time of Intertemporal Choice
Deciding between acquiring a product now and saving the money for something more valuable in the future is a decision which may be frequent in one’s life, but at the same time far from being easy. Decisions involving tradeoffs amid cost and benefits over the time are referred as intertemporal choices. Experimental studies have shown that humans and other animal species are less attracted to delayed prizes than to immediate ones in an non-normative manner: there is an abrupt devaluation for smaller and sooner rewards while larger and later prizes tend to devaluate slowly over time. This inconsistency in discounting rate was attributed to non-linearity time perception or failure of self-control which results in impatience and impulsiveness. I will present in this lecture these two theories and the most recent empirical developments as well as future directions.
Camila Silveira
É mestranda no curso de Neurociências e Cognição na Universidade Federal do ABC desde 2015. Realizou pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Neurociências e Psicologia Aplicada pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2014) e é graduada e licenciada em Letras Português – Inglês pelo Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André (2012).
Possui interesse em economia comportamental, neuroeconomia e tomada de decisão. Seu projeto de pesquisa atual envolve a relação entre escolha intertemporal e a percepção de tempo.
Confira o local no mapa <,+3+-+Jardim+Antares,+S%C3%A3o+Bernardo+do+Campo+-+SP,+09606-070/@-23.6778077,-46.5627042,794m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x94ce43a830e9eeb5:0x236cd49a8954b602!6m1!1e1>.