Artigos completos publicados em periódicos

Número total de itens: 60


1.   ABDALLAH, CHADI G. ; JACKOWSKI, ANDREA ; Sato, João R. ; MAO, XIANGLING ; KANG, GUOXIN ; CHEEMA, RAMINDER ; COPLAN, JEREMY D. ; MATHEW, SANJAY J. ; SHUNGU, DIKOMA C.. Prefrontal cortical GABA abnormalities are associated with reduced hippocampal volume in major depressive disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology. v. 15, p. 145, issn: 0924977X, 2015.
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2.   AJMI, AHDI NOOMEN ; HAMMOUDEH, SHAWKAT ; NGUYEN, DUC KHUONG ; Sato, João Ricardo. On the relationships between CO2 emissions, energy consumption and income: The importance of time variation. Energy Economics. v. 49, p. 629-638, issn: 01409883, 2015.
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3.   ALMEIDA, M C ; VIZIN, R C ; CARRETTIERO, D C. Current understanding on the neurophysiology of behavioral thermoregulation. Temperature. v. 2, p. 00-00, issn: 23328959, 2015.
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4.   ANDRADE DE OLIVEIRA, A. ; CARTHERY-GOULART, M. T. ; OLIVEIRA-JUNIOR, P. P. M. ; CARRETTIERO, D. C. ; Sato, J.R.. Defining Multivariate Normative Rules for Healthy Aging using Neuroimaging and Machine Learning: An Application to Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. v. 43, p. 201-212, issn: 13872877, 2015.
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5.   Atsak, P. ; HAUER, D. ; CAMPOLONGO, P. ; SCHELLING, G. ; FORNARI, R.V. ; ROOZENDAAL, B.. Endocannabinoid signaling integrates multiple stress hormone effects on memory consolidation. Psychoneuroendocrinology. v. 61, p. 5, issn: 03064530, 2015.
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6.   BALARDIN, JOANA B. ; BATISTUZZO, MARCELO C. ; MARTIN, MARIA DA GRAÇA MORAES ; Sato, João R. ; SMID, JERUSA ; PORTO, CLAUDIA ; SAVAGE, CARY R. ; NITRINI, RICARDO ; Amaro, Edson ; Miotto, Eliane C.. Differences in prefrontal cortex activation and deactivation during strategic episodic verbal memory encoding in mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. v. 7, p. 147, issn: 16634365, 2015.
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7.   BALARDIN, JOANA BISOL ; COMFORT, WILLIAM EDGAR ; DALY, EILEEN ; MURPHY, CLODAGH ; ANDREWS, DEREK ; MURPHY, DECLAN G.M. ; Ecker, Christine ; Sato, João Ricardo. Decreased centrality of cortical volume covariance networks in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research. v. 69, p. 142-149, issn: 00223956, 2015.
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8.   BALARDIN, JOANA BISOL ; Sato, João Ricardo ; VIEIRA, GILSON ; FENG, YEU ; DALY, EILEEN ; MURPHY, CLODAGH ; MURPHY, DECLAN ; Ecker, Christine. Relationship Between Surface-Based Brain Morphometric Measures and Intelligence in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Influence of History of Language Delay. AUTISM RES. v. 8, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 19393792, 2015.
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9.   BASILE, LUIS F. H. ; Sato, João R. ; PASQUINI, HENRIQUE A. ; LOZANO, MIRNA D. ; NUCCI, MARIANA P. ; VELASQUES, BRUNA ; RIBEIRO, PEDRO ; RAMOS, RENATO T. ; ANGHINA, RENATO. Individual Topographic Variability Is Inherent to Cortical Physiology but Task-Related Differences May Be Noise. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0128343, issn: 19326203, 2015.
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10.   Basilio, Rodrigo ; GARRIDO, GRISELDA J. ; Sato, João R. ; HOEFLE, SEBASTIAN ; MELO, BRUNO R. P. ; PAMPLONA, FABRICIO A. ; ZAHN, ROLAND ; Moll, Jorge. FRIEND Engine Framework: a real time neurofeedback client-server system for neuroimaging studies. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. v. 9, p. 3, issn: 16625153, 2015.
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11.   BAZÁN, PAULO RODRIGO ; Biazoli, Claudinei Eduardo ; Sato, João Ricardo ; Amaro, Edson. Motor Readiness Increases Brain Connectivity Between Default-Mode Network and Motor Cortex: Impact on Sampling Resting Periods from fMRI Event-Related Studies. Brain Connectivity. v. 5, p. 631-640, issn: 21580014, 2015.
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12.   BEN NASR, ADNEN ; GUPTA, RANGAN ; Sato, João Ricardo. Is there an Environmental Kuznets Curve for South Africa? A co-summability approach using a century of data. Energy Economics. v. 52, p. 136-141, issn: 01409883, 2015.
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13.   CAREAGA, MARIELLA B. L. ; Tiba, Paula A. ; OTA, SIMONE M. ; Suchecki, Deborah. Pre-test metyrapone impairs memory recall in fear conditioning tasks: lack of interaction with β-adrenergic activity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. v. 9, p. 1-11, issn: 16625153, 2015.
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14.   CARRETTIERO, DANIEL CARNEIRO ; SANTIAGO, FERNANDO ENRIQUE ; SOARES, ANNA CAROLINA PARRACHO MOTZKO ; Almeida, Maria Camila. Temperature and toxic Tau in Alzheimer’s disease: new insights. Temperature. v. 2, p. 00-00, issn: 23328959, 2015.
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15.   Claessens, Peter M. E.; OLIVEIRA PEREIRA, LUCAS ; BALDO, MARCUS VINÍCIUS C.. Modulation of perceived contrast in the brightness comparison of asynchronous stimuli. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics (Print). v. 77, p. 234-248, issn: 19433921, 2015.
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16.   COMFORT, W. E. ; ZANA, Y.. Face detection and individuation: Interactive and complementary stages of face processing.. Psychology & Neuroscience (Online). v. 8, p. 442-466, issn: 19833288, 2015.
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17.   CRAVO, ANDRE MASCIOLI ; SANTOS, KARIN MOREIRA ; REYES, MARCELO BUSSOTTI ; CAETANO, MARCELO SALVADOR ; Claessens, Peter M. E.. Visual Causality Judgments Correlate with the Phase of Alpha Oscillations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. v. 27, p. 1887-1894, issn: 0898929X, 2015.
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18.   CRUZ, WESLEY SOARES ; PEREIRA, LUCAS ASSIS ; CEZAR, LUANA CARVALHO ; CAMARINI, ROSANA ; FELICIO, LUCIANO FREITAS ; BERNARDI, MARIA MARTHA ; Teodorov, Elizabeth. Role of steroid hormones and morphine treatment in the modulation of opioid receptor gene expression in brain structures in the female rat. SpringerPlus. v. 4, p. 2-6, issn: 21931801, 2015.
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19.   CUBAS, CARLOS FERNANDO MONTOYA ; MARTINS-JR, DAVID CORREA ; SANTOS, CARLOS SILVA ; Barrera, Junior. Linear grouping of predictor instances to infer gene networks. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics. v. 4, p. 34, issn: 21926662, 2015.
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20.   DAMASCENO, MAYARA V. ; LIMA-SILVA, ADRIANO E. ; PASQUA, LEONARDO A. ; TRICOLI, VALMOR ; Duarte, Marcos ; BISHOP, DAVID J. ; BERTUZZI, RÔMULO. Effects of resistance training on neuromuscular characteristics and pacing during 10-km running time trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology (Print). v. 1, p. 1-10, issn: 14396319, 2015.
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21.   DE OLIVEIRA, ADRIELE SILVA ALVES ; SANTIAGO, FERNANDO ENRIQUE ; BALIONI, LAIZ FURLAN ; DE FATIMA RAMIRES FERRARI, MERARI ; Almeida, Maria Camila ; CARRETTIERO, DANIEL CARNEIRO. BAG2 expression dictates a functional intracellular switch between the p38-dependent effects of nicotine on tau phosphorylation levels via the α7 nicotinic receptor. Experimental Neurology. v. 275, p. 69-77, issn: 00144886, 2015.
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22.   DE PAULA, CESAR AUGUSTO DIAS ; SANTIAGO, FERNANDO ENRIQUE ; DE OLIVEIRA, ADRIELE SILVA ALVES ; OLIVEIRA, FERNANDO AUGUSTO ; Almeida, Maria Camila ; CARRETTIERO, DANIEL CARNEIRO. The Co-chaperone BAG2 Mediates Cold-Induced Accumulation of Phosphorylated Tau in SH-SY5Y Cells. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. v. Jul, p. ahead of print-., issn: 02724340, 2015.
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23.   DOS SANTOS, NATHÁLIA VILLA ; MATIAS, ANDREZA CÂNDIDO ; HIGA, GUILHERME SHIGUETO VILAR ; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE HIROAKI ; CERCHIARO, GISELLE. Copper Uptake in Mammary Epithelial Cells Activates Cyclins and Triggers Antioxidant Response. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Print). v. 2015, p. 1-11, issn: 19420900, 2015.
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24.   GADELHA, ARY ; YONAMINE, CAMILA M. ; OTA, VANESSA K. ; OLIVEIRA, VITOR ; Sato, João Ricardo ; BELANGERO, SINTIA I. ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO A. ; HAYASHI, MIRIAN A.F.. ACE I/D genotype-related increase in ACE plasma activity is a better predictor for schizophrenia diagnosis than the genotype alone. Schizophrenia Research (Print). v. 164, p. 109-114, issn: 09209964, 2015.
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25.   HAIFIG, I. ; JOST, C. ; FOURCASSIE, V. ; ZANA, Y. ; COSTA-LEONARDO, A. M.. Dynamics of foraging trails in the Neotropical termite Velocitermes heteropterus (Isoptera: Termitidae). Behavioural Processes (Print). v. 118, p. 123-129, issn: 03766357, 2015.
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26.   HART, JOSEPH D. ; PADE, JAN PHILIPP ; Pereira, Tiago ; MURPHY, THOMAS E. ; ROY, RAJARSHI. Adding connections can hinder network synchronization of time-delayed oscillators. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print). v. 92, p. 022804, issn: 15393755, 2015.
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28.   IOST, RODRIGO M. ; SALES, FERNANDA C. P. F. ; MARTINS, MARCCUS V. A. ; Almeida, Maria C. ; CRESPILHO, FRANK N.. Glucose Biochip Based on Flexible Carbon Fiber Electrodes: In Vivo Diabetes Evaluation in Rats. ChemElectroChem. v. 2, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 21960216, 2015.
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29.   J Stroud ; M Baharona ; Tiago Pereira. Dynamics of Cluster Synchronisation in Modular Networks: Implications for Structural and Functional Networks. Springer. v. 4, p. 107, issn: 13773488, 2015.
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30.   JIMENEZ, R. D. ; MARTINS-JR, David Corrêa ; SANTOS, Carlos S.. One genetic algorithm per gene to infer gene networks from expression data. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics. v. 4, p. 1-22, issn: 21926670, 2015.
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31.   JOAQUIM, A. O. ; COELHO, C. P. ; MOTTA, P. DIAS ; BONDAN, E. F. ; TEODOROV, E. ; MARTINS, M. F. M. ; KIRSTEN, T. B. ; CASARIN, R. C. V. ; BONAMIN, L. V. ; BERNARDI, M. M.. Transgenerational effects of a hypercaloric diet. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. v. 26, p. 12-15, issn: 10313613, 2015.
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32.   JUNQUEIRA, LÚCIA DESIDERI ; AMARAL, LIA QUEIROZ ; IUTAKA, ALEXANDRE SADAO ; Duarte, Marcos. Effects of transporting an infant on the posture of women during walking and standing still. Gait & Posture. v. 41, p. 841-846, issn: 09666362, 2015.
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33.   Kozasa, Elisa H. ; Lacerda, Shirley S. ; MENEZES, CAROLINA ; WALLACE, B. ALAN ; Radvany, João ; Mello, Luiz E. A. M. ; Sato, João R.. Effects of a 9-Day Shamatha Buddhist Meditation Retreat on Attention, Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Participants with a Broad Range of Meditation Experience. MINDFULNESS. v. 6, p. 1235-1241, issn: 18688535, 2015.
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34.   LABLIUK, T. P. ; GUILHARDI, P. ; CRAVO, A. M. ; CHURCH, R. M. ; CAETANO, M. S.. Determinants of temporal or stimulus control in humans and rats. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. v. 28, p. 1-13, issn: 08893667, 2015.
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35.   Laubach, M ; CAETANO, M. S. ; Narayanan, NS. Mistakes were made: Neural mechanisms for the adaptive control of action initiation by the medial prefrontal cortex. Journal of Physiology (Paris). v. 109, p. 104-117, issn: 09284257, 2015.
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36.   MCGUIRE, PHILIP ; Sato, Joao R ; MECHELLI, ANDREA ; JACKOWSKI, ANDREA ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO A ; ZUGMAN, ANDRE. Can neuroimaging be used to predict the onset of psychosis?. The Lancet Psychiatry. v. 2, p. 1117-1122, issn: 22150366, 2015.
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37.   Pereira, Tiago; TURAEV, DMITRY. Exponential energy growth in adiabatically changing Hamiltonian systems. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print). v. 91, p. 010901, issn: 15393755, 2015.
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38.   Pereira, Tiago; YOUNG, LAI-SANG. Control of epidemics on complex networks: Effectiveness of delayed isolation. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print). v. 92, p. 022822, issn: 15393755, 2015.
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39.   Philipp Pade ; Tiago Pereira. Improving Network Structure can lead to Functional Failures. Scientific Reports. v. 5, p. 9968, issn: 20452322, 2015.
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40.   PINAYA, WALTER H. L. ; FRAGA, FRANCISCO J. ; HARATZ, SALO S. ; DEAN, PHILIP J. A. ; CONFORTO, ADRIANA B. ; BOR-SENG-SHU, EDSON ; TEIXEIRA, MANOEL J. ; Sato, João R.. Comparing Methods for Determining Motor-Hand Lateralization Based on fTCD Signals. Journal of Medical Systems. v. 39, p. 185, issn: 01485598, 2015.
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41.   PINTO, MAURO CUNHA XAVIER ; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE HIROAKI ; GOULART, VÂNIA A.M. ; TONELLI, FERNANDA M.P. ; GOMES, KATIA N. ; ULRICH, HENNING ; Resende, Rodrigo R.. Calcium signaling and cell proliferation. Cellular Signalling. v. 27, p. 2139-2149, issn: 08986568, 2015.
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42.   PONCHIO, R.A. ; TEODOROV, E. ; KIRSTEN, T.B. ; COELHO, C.P. ; OSHIRO, A. ; FLORIO, J.C. ; BERNARDI, M.M.. Repeated methylphenidate administration during lactation reduces maternal behavior, induces maternal tolerance, and increases anxiety-like behavior in pups in adulthood. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. v. 50, p. 64-72, issn: 08920362, 2015.
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43.   Reyes, Marcelo Bussotti; Carelli, P. V. ; Sartorelli, J. C. ; Pinto, Reynaldo D.. A Modeling Approach on Why Simple Central Pattern Generators Are Built of Irregular Neurons. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0120314, issn: 19326203, 2015.
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44.   ROCHA, THIAGO BOTTER-MAIO ; HUTZ, MARA H. ; SALATINO-OLIVEIRA, ANGÉLICA ; GENRO, JÚLIA P. ; POLANCZYK, GUILHERME V. ; Sato, João Ricardo ; WEHRMEISTER, FERNANDO C. ; BARROS, FERNANDO C. ; MENEZES, ANA M.B. ; Rohde, Luis Augusto ; ANSELMI, LUCIANA ; KIELING, CHRISTIAN. Gene-Environment Interaction in Youth Depression: Replication of the 5-HTTLPR Moderation in a Diverse Setting. The American Journal of Psychiatry. v. 172, p. 978-985, issn: 0002953X, 2015.
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45.   ROSSANEIS, A.C. ; GENARO, K. ; DIAS, Q.M. ; GUETHE, L.M. ; FAIS, R.S. ; DEL BEL, E.A. ; PRADO, W.A.. Descending mechanisms activated by the anterior pretectal nucleus initiate but do not maintain neuropathic pain in rats. European Journal of Pain (London, England). v. xxx, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 10903801, 2015.
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46.   SALUM, CRISTIANE; SCHMIDT, FANNY ; MICHEL, PATRICK P. ; DEL-BEL, ELAINE ; Raisman-Vozari, Rita. Signaling Mechanisms in the Nitric Oxide Donor- and Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release in Mesencephalic Primary Cultured Neurons. Neurotoxicity Research. v. 28, p. 1, issn: 10298428, 2015.
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47.   SANTIAGO, FERNANDO E. ; Almeida, Maria Camila ; CARRETTIERO, DANIEL C.. BAG2 Is Repressed by NF-κB Signaling, and Its Overexpression Is Sufficient to Shift Aβ1-42 from Neurotrophic to Neurotoxic in Undifferentiated SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. v. 57, p. 83-89, issn: 08958696, 2015.
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48.   SANTIAGO, FERNANDO E. ; FIOR-CHADI, DÉBORA R. ; CARRETTIERO, Daniel C.. Alpha2-adrenoceptor and adenosine A1 receptor within the nucleus tractus solitarii in hypertension development. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic & Clinical. v. 187, p. 36-44, issn: 15660702, 2015.
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49.   Sato, João R.; Moll, Jorge ; GREEN, SOPHIE ; DEAKIN, JOHN F.W. ; Thomaz, Carlos E. ; ZAHN, ROLAND. Machine learning algorithm accurately detects fMRI signature of vulnerability to major depression. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging (Print). v. 233, p. 289-91, issn: 09254927, 2015.
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50.   RICARDO SATO, JOÃO ; Biazoli, Claudinei Eduardo ; SALUM, GIOVANNI ABRAHÃO ; GADELHA, ARY ; CROSSLEY, NICOLAS ; SATTERTHWAITE, THEODORE D. ; VIEIRA, GILSON ; ZUGMAN, ANDRÉ ; PICON, FELIPE ALMEIDA ; PAN, PEDRO MARIO ; HOEXTER, MARCELO QUEIROZ ; ANÉS, MAURICIO ; MOURA, LUCIANA MONTEIRO ; DEL’AQUILLA, MARCO ANTONIO GOMES ; AMARO, EDSON ; MCGUIRE, PHILIP ; LACERDA, ACIOLY L.T. ; ROHDE, LUIS AUGUSTO ; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES CONSTANTINO ; JACKOWSKI, ANDREA PAROLIN ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA. Temporal stability of network centrality in control and default mode networks: Specific associations with externalizing psychopathology in children and adolescents. Human Brain Mapping (Print). v. 36, p. 4926-4937, issn: 10659471, 2015.
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52.   SCHMELTZER, CHRISTIAN ; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE HIROAKI ; SOKOLOV, IGOR MICHAILOVITSCH ; RÜDIGER, STEN. Degree Correlations Optimize Neuronal Network Sensitivity to Sub-Threshold Stimuli. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0121794, issn: 19326203, 2015.
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53.   SIMÕES, Sérgio Nery ; MARTINS-JR, David Corrêa ; PEREIRA, Carlos Alberto de Bragança ; HASHIMOTO, Ronaldo F. ; BRENTANI, H.. NERI: network-medicine based integrative approach for disease gene prioritization by relative importance. BMC Bioinformatics. v. 16, p. S9, issn: 14712105, 2015.
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54.   SUBIRÀ, MARTA ; Sato, João ; ALONSO, PINO ; DO ROSÁRIO, MARIA ; SEGALÀS, CINTO ; BATISTUZZO, MARCELO ; REAL, EVA ; LOPES, ANTONIO ; CERRILLO, ESTER ; DINIZ, JULIANA ; PUJOL, JESÚS ; ASSIS, RACHEL ; MENCHÓN, JOSÉ ; SHAVITT, ROSELI ; Busatto, Geraldo ; CARDONER, NARCÍS ; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES ; HOEXTER, MARCELO ; SORIANO-MAS, CARLES. Brain structural correlates of sensory phenomena in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. v. 40, p. 232-240, issn: 11804882, 2015.
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55.   SWARNKAR, TRIPTI ; SIMÕES, SERGIO NERY ; ANURA, ANJI ; Brentani, Helena ; CHATTERJEE, JYOTIRMOY ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO ; MARTINS, DAVID CORREA ; MITRA, PABITRA. Identifying dense subgraphs in protein-protein interaction network for gene selection from microarray data. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics. v. 4, p. 33, issn: 21926662, 2015.
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56.   TAKADA, S.H. ; DOS SANTOS HAEMMERLE, C.A. ; MOTTA-TEIXEIRA, L.C. ; MACHADO-NILS, A.V. ; LEE, V.Y. ; TAKASE, L.F. ; CRUZ-RIZZOLO, R.J. ; Kihara, A.H. ; XAVIER, G.F. ; WATANABE, I.-S. ; NOGUEIRA, M.I.. Neonatal anoxia in rats: Hippocampal cellular and subcellular changes related to cell death and spatial memory. Neuroscience. v. 284, p. 247-259, issn: 03064522, 2015.
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57.   Tiago Pereira; TURAEV, DMITRY. Fast Fermi Acceleration and Entropy Growth. MATH MODEL NAT PHENO. v. 10, p. 31-47, issn: 09735348, 2015.
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58.   VIZIN, ROBSON CRISTIANO LILLO ; SCARPELLINI, CAROLINA DA SILVEIRA ; ISHIKAWA, DÉBORA ; CORREA, GABRIELA MONTEIRO ; DE SOUZA, CRISTIANE OLIVEIRA ; GARGAGLIONI, LUCIANE HELENA ; CARRETTIERO, DANIEL C. ; BÍCEGO, KÊNIA CARDOSO ; Almeida, Maria Camila. TRPV4 Activates autonomic and behavioural warmth-defence responses in wistar rats. Acta Physiologica (Print). v. 214, p. 275-289, issn: 17481708, 2015.
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59.   VLASOV, VLADIMIR ; ZOU, YONG ; Pereira, Tiago. Explosive synchronization is discontinuous. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print). v. 92, p. 012904, issn: 15393755, 2015.
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60.   ZUGMAN, ANDRÉ ; ASSUNÇÃO, IDAIANE ; VIEIRA, GILSON ; GADELHA, ARY ; WHITE, THOMAS ; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO PAULO M. ; NOTO, CRISTIANO ; CROSSLEY, NICOLAS ; MCGUIRE, PHILIP ; CORDEIRO, QUIRINO ; BELANGERO, SINTIA I.O. ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO A. ; JACKOWSKI, ANDREA P. ; Sato, João Ricardo. Structural covariance in schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis: an approach based on graph analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research. v. 71, p. 89-96, issn: 00223956, 2015.
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Capítulos de livros publicados

Número total de itens: 10


1.   Antunes, Gabriela ; SIMOES DE SOUZA, FABIO MARQUES. Olfactory receptor signaling. Em: Arun K. Shukla; Lay, Sarah. (Org.). Methods in Cell Biology. 1ed. : Elsevier. 2015.v. 132, p. 1.
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2.   CARTHERY-GOULART, M. T. ; SILVA, HS ; MACHADO, J. ; BARADEL, R. R. ; PARENTE, M. A. M. P.. Language assessment of action/verb processing in patients with Parkinson?s disease: a critical analysis through the multilevel model. Em: Gerald M. Martinez. (Org.). RECENT ADVANCES IN LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION. 1ed.New York. : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. 2015.v. 1, p. 1-26.
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3.   CRAVO, A.M.; HADDAD JR., H.. When is Now: Measuring How We Perceive Instants in Time. Em: Lívia Mathias Simão; Danilo Silva Guimarães; Jaan Valsiner. (Org.). Temporality: Culture in the Flow of Human Experience. 1ed.Charlotte, NC. : IAP – Information Age Publishing. 2015.p. 121.
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